As we take time to rest and reflect over the Christmas holiday, it’s likely that some of your smartest colleagues will be making a new year resolution to switch jobs!
Here are the most common reasons why people might quit, and some ideas on how to keep hold of your talent:
1. It’s not the job it’s the boss – the most common reason people want to change roles is because they want a new boss. Good bosses keep their best people because they:
- Value each individual’s contribution
- Empower people to do their job better
- Listen to opinions
- Coach and develop team members to be better
- Tell people how they are doing, every week
2. 68% of people disagree with what their employer stands for. Fancy branding, values statements and CSR initiatives mean little if the view of an organisation from within doesn’t match the rhetoric:
- If profit comes before people in your company, be honest about it, pay well and don’t expect loyalty.
- Large organisations, like families, have skeletons in closets. Don’t let the past taint the future.
- Senior leaders will be judged on their actions, not their words. If you can’t walk the talk, keep quiet.
3. Frustration. People know they could be more productive with the right training and the freedom to decide how they approach their role:
- Ask people to tell you their highs and lows of 2013
- Discuss what they’ve learned
- Explore aspirations for 2014
- Agree a development plan to start in January
Most of the above can be achieved over a cuppa and a mince pie, surely that’s a better use of time than facing a Spring of recruitment.