The best teams we’ve come across all exhibit a high degree of trust. To build trust, team members need to get to know one another at a deeper level. Simply knowing one another’s job roles isn’t enough.
In a focused working environment there’s rarely time for small talk and it can be difficult to build trusting relationships within a team. We recommend taking time out to go for a team walk, in an effort to facilitate closer working relationships. During the walk pair up for twenty minutes at a time, with each walker choosing a question to ask their walking partner. After 10 minutes the answering partner chooses another question to ask their questioner. The only rules are that timings are adhered to and the same question can’t be asked or answered more than once. Of course you can choose the questions yourself but these are some we’ve found to be particularly effective.
Simply click here for the printable 20 Questions Card PDF:
Fresh Tracks 20 Questions Cards