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Olympic Challenge

With the 2016 Olympics in mind, we’ve created a programme of Olympic inspired team games. The games are varied allowing all participants to engage, drawing on strengths and abilities they might not have previously bought to the group.

Whether you’re looking for a team ‘away day’ or conference ‘break out’ sessions we can modify the format to suit you.

Key Points

  • Suits groups from 20 to 100 +
  • Indoor or outdoor options
  • We can source suitable venues on your behalf, including the London Olympic Park
  • Teams work together to attain success
  • Overcomes office hierarchies as natural skills come to the fore


Depending on the amount of time you have available, we can build the event to include some or all of the activities below:

  • Olympic Team Tasks
  • Pentathlon Play
  • Daring Decathlon
  • Archery
  • Giant Volley Ball
  • Fencing
  • Dodgeball
  • Sumo Wrestling
  • Putting simulation
  • Laser Clay Shooting
  • Cycling
  • Climbing

We can adapt the level of ‘sportiness’ depending on the ages and abilities of your team. The themed team tasks enable us to provide mental as well as physical challenges.
The event concludes with an awards ceremony – this can be fun and light hearted, but equally can be used as a platform to encourage deeper discussion.

Sample Format

Arrivals to coffee, tea and fresh juices.

Welcome briefing, group split into teams, each team then spends time at each of the chosen Olympic zones, competing against other teams for the coveted ‘gold’ medal status.

Medal Giving Ceremony – scores across all the zones are added up, to find the ultimate winning team. Parallels can be drawn between the effectiveness of the winning team, and what can be taken back into the workplace to enhance the business.

Community Project

Your team is a valuable resource who can contribute to a community project with practical skills, via fundraising or problem-solving. After matching your group with a suitable project our event managers work with teams to schedule, allocate and oversee work. Regular reviews and de-briefs ensure that skills and team strengths are identified, developed and celebrated making this a win-win event.


Projects may range from clearing or repair work at a local nature reserve, completing a garden makeover at a school, providing catering and entertainment for a local community group, painting and decorating, helping to install new furniture or facilities, or general building repairs.

Sailing on the Solent

Placing your team in a challenging and unfamiliar environment helps to demonstrate the benefits of teamwork under pressure. Teams receive training in specific sailing skills on racing yachts or a traditional 70ft gaff ketch. Precise teamwork is needed for the boats to be sailed successfully. Additional challenges, followed by group feedback and evaluation, will help your team get the most from their time on the water.


Land based and sailing challenges including: Tacking the yacht, retrieve a dinghy, draw up and implement plan to hoist sails, moor alongside a buoy, evacuate a casualty from below deck.

Team Tasks

A highly flexible event which will test and improve your team’s logical, creative, physical and artistic abilities using these fun and diverse tasks.

Planning and communication will be key to success, drawing out team strengths with plenty of laughter.

Time is optimised with teams rotating between activities to complete selected challenges against the clock. Between each task teams can be shuffled so that during the course of the programme each participant works with every other participant.

Key Points

  • High energy
  • Focused on specific team skills such as trust, communication, planning and goal setting
  • Suits groups from 6 to 600
  • Instant set-up and pack down
  • Requires a conventional meeting room or outdoor space
  • Highlights individuals’ strengths
  • Reinforces the value of team working
  • Highly adaptable, can fill 15 minutes through to a whole day


We have several hundred team tasks available, each designed to demonstrate a different aspect of team work. Some exercises will generate robust discussion while others are very light-hearted.

  • Problem solving
  • Forecasting
  • Creative thinking
  • Communication
  • Building trust
  • Leading and following
  • Handling risk
  • Reviewing performance

Sample Format

This event can be run at any time of day, all year round. Ideally we require a cabaret layout meeting room with additional floor space; although we have led Team Tasks in boardrooms, atriums, theatres and car parks!

Tasks can be as little as 15 minutes through to an hour. Typically we start with light hearted icebreakers and increase the level of challenge as time goes on, for example:

09.00 – Common Ground
This fast paced discussion exercise requires teams to identify a number of things that they have in common, within just 2 minutes. For example: all have blue eyes, all own an ABBA record, have all been to France.

09.30 – Balloon Tower
A challenge for small teams in which they must build the tallest possible, free-standing tower from a selection of balloons and a roll of Sellotape.

10.00 – Blocks Away
Starting with a handful of blocks each, participants are given details of the scores they can achieve by building towers of certain heights, before being asked to give estimates of their building capabilities. We then examine performance against targets and discuss what factors affect goal-setting and achievement in teams.

10.45 – Pyramid Challenge
This Team Task relies on communication and co-operation to operate a lever and pulley system, from up to eight separate control points, to achieve the team’s objective. An indoor or outdoor task which takes the team from frustration to elation.

11.30 – Lego Arch
Teams of 5 must build a floor-standing arch large enough to enable two team members to pass underneath. The task begins with a thirty minute planning phase during which the teams can refine their design and calculate their expected costs. Having submitted their estimated profit based on the number of bricks used and time spent building, the timed construction phase begins. On completion, profitability is compared and estimates and discrepancies discussed. Finally, each structure is put to the test as two members of each team attempt to crawl, slide or be dragged under their team’s arch.

12.15 – Group Juggling
This team exercise begins with small groups and just one bean bag per person, building to a point where the whole team form a circle, simultaneously juggling two bean bags each. Co-ordination, support and pin sharp timing are required to succeed at this challenge. It may take a little while but when it goes right the feelings of achievement are unforgettable.

12.30 – Letters Home
To conclude, we carry out an informal review based on a letter home. Each participant is given a template sheet which prompts them to answer questions such as:

“What contribution to this afternoon are you most proud of?”
“What do I regret doing/saying or not doing/saying?”
“In future I’d like to be more …….”
“I’d like to stop ………. and start ………”

These sheets are then sealed in envelopes and sent, one month later, to the participant’s home address to remind them of some of the day’s key learning points thus reinforcing the lessons learnt.

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