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Posts for tag: Leadership Development


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5 Bad Boss Behaviours

There are certain phrases you will have heard many times, sometimes they are sincere and backed up by good leadership behaviours. On occasions bad bosses use well-worn phrases to cover their ineptitude and the rhetoric doesn’t match the reality.


Here are some common phrases with our alternative definitions:…

Leadership Lessons from LEGO Building success

Over 70% of homes have at least one stray brick buried deep in a sofa or hiding in the dusty corner of a cupboard.  With 33% operating profit on sales of £2710 million LEGO is a serious business.


Alongside bacon and beer, LEGO is one of Denmark’s greatest exports, some might even say ‘Probably the best toy in the world!’  The LEGO phenomena began in 1932 when Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen, who believed in the value of play, decided that the best kind of toys are those that can be built, and then rebuilt. Stimulating creativity and imagination, whilst developing character.

There’s much we can learn from LEGO as adults.  The four letter name LEGO is derived from leg godt, meaning ‘play well’ in Danish, and ‘I study’ or ‘I construct’ in Latin.  Underpinning the name is the company slogan ‘Only the best is good enough’ An admiral intention but one that nearly led to the iconic toy’s collapse 10 years ago.

Top 5 Leadership Epic Fails

We’ve all made some bad decisions as leaders but hopefully never on the scale of these:

Top management from all these brands have made big mistakes

Top management from all these brands made big mistakes

Failed to adapt – George Fisher led Kodak, the once dominant photography consumables business.  Despite Kodak having built a digital camera way back in 1975 he failed to anticipate the demise of traditional photography and led the business into a spiral that resulted in his successors filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Interestingly, closest rival Fuji read the writing on the wall and used their expertise to diversify into alternative sectors.

Why 80% of Managers are in the Wrong Job

For many ambitious employees the addition of the word manager to their job title is a proud moment.  It conveys success, status and power.  And rightly so. Line managers have more influence on employee productivity, engagement and retention than pay, work place conditions and even senior mangement.

Over 80% of managers are unsuiteable

Over 80% of managers are unsuitable

It’s therefore very concerning to discover that according to Gallup, 82% of those bearing the title aren’t up to the job!

DIY Team Building – 6 Solutions

As budgets tighten and in-house trainers look for more inspiring ways to get their message across, our collection of licensed team and leadership activities are proving popular both at home and abroad.

Why not try the DIY approach and organise a team building activity of your own?

Spicing up induction programmes and providing new managers with a safe environment in which to practice taking the lead are amongst the many ways in which our exercises are being used.  …


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