For some an invitation to a company conference fills them with dread.
It’s a sad fact that most conference delegates simply ‘show up’ without considering how they can get the most from the day.
Whilst conferences of the past may have been a bit dull, 2021 and the advent of virtual conferences now means many will be jumping at the chance to get a way to a physical event.

Here are 5 things to look forward to next time you click “accept” in response to that invitation:
1 Think
For most of us the working day is pretty full and the endless meetings and pinging email can be hard to escape. Thinking time is in short supply, so take along a large blank notepad and jot down some of the thoughts and ideas that come to mind as you sit listening to presentations. Even if you are bored the fact you appear to be taking notes will cheer the presenter!
2 Meet
Some say the art of conversation has left the workplace, as we now communicate based on the subject headings of emails, agenda items or during hurried phone calls. Take time to share ideas and discuss opportunities with those you’d not normally have time or reason to engage with.
3 Hear
Actively listen to what’s being said by speakers, consider how this information can help you do your job. Could a new corporate focus release you of some burdensome responsibility or create an opportunity for you to promote yourself?
4. Experience
Good conference organisers will seek out inspiring locations or incorporate activities that create memorable experiences. Don’t let tiredness or cynicism get the better of you, get out and explore the city or get stuck into the activities.
5 Contribute
Importantly, if you’ve got something to say don’t let the moment pass when you can put forward your view or ask a question. If you’ve endured previous events feeling it could be better then volunteer for the steering committee and help to make your next conference the best there’s been.
It’s a sad fact that most conference delegates simply ‘show up’ without considering how they can get the most from the day, so if you find yourself on the organising team then click here and ask us to send a copy of our guide to Creating Captivating Conferences.