As I write today I’m being pitched and rolled aboard a Stena Line ferry travelling from the Hook of Holland to Harwich.

Team building in Europe is only 24 hours away.
Below me a truck full of team building equipment is hopefully well secured to the deck. Despite the high seas I’m excited to be part of a new chapter in the life of Fresh Tracks as we increase our overseas team building offering. On many occasions in the past we’ve jumped on planes to deliver keynote talks and team building sessions at conferences and on occasions we’ve freighted equipment ahead of us.
Now times have changed with much easier road travel throughout Europe. Ferries can transport vehicles overnight. Laden with team building games not just to France but also the Netherlands (just a couple of hours from the German border) and even as far as Norway, Spain and Ireland. Most European capital cities can be reached in under 24 hours by road from our Hertfordshire base. This has increased our immediate operating area from being UK wide to being Europe wide for 90% of our activities and worldwide for around 50%, where the kit and equipment can be loaded on a plane.
Clients are delighted that they no longer need to risk using unskilled local team building suppliers that are not familiar with their corporate culture, values and strategy. They now have access to the same people, equipment and innovation that they use in the UK right around the world.