A Bank Holiday with the chance of having a 3 or 4 day weekend to recharge is something that every looks forward to. These enforced Bank Holidays should result in a more rested and energised work force but it seems most of us are using these long weekends to keep working and catch up on the backlog.
Many hotels and holiday lets now promote that they have free Wi-Fi for visitors, knowing that this is a key attraction both to children and adults. Keeping in touch with the outside world and being able to access the web, games and other online features is something that is always a priority even when going on holiday. There are those that fear returning to a bulging inbox on their return to the office after some time off and who see no harm in a quick check of their work emails “just incase”.
Whilst leaving your business alone for a few days can feel stressful, it is vital that we allow our brains some time to just rest and reboot. Simply slowing down a little but still checking emails a couple of times a day is no substitute for switching off completely.
When we fully take a real break we gain clarity and perspective, enabling us to spend extended time thinking without constant distractions. It could be argued that those in senior leadership roles whose primary responsibility is to set the vision and make decisions especially need time away from their responsibilities to think. Even if you are still thinking about your business, doing it away from technology and work emails will allow your brain to process information in a different way.
If you can’t get away for a proper break, change can be just as good for our brains as rest. Try to think of something that you could do on a weekend that will be a change to your usual routine, be that playing a sport or trying out a new hobby. Then encourage your team to do the same. Telling them to take a break and spend time away from their technology will show them that they are allowed to relax and will help allow them to come back to work recharged and refocused.
Rest is essential for everyone, regardless of your seniority. It enables us to switch off, recharge and approach life and business in a completely different way. So for the next Bank Holiday don’t just slow down. Leave your gadgets alone and put your mind on charge instead.