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Free Team Building Activity – Superhero Feedback

May 31, 2012

This free fun and feel-good team building activity is great for the end of a team session or training day.

Superhero Feedback Team Building Exercise Image

I wonder if they have checked their capes for feedback?


This is a fun and feel-good activity for the end of the session or close of the day. By encouraging feedback on individual skills it focuses on the positive aspects of the day and makes sure that everyone’s contribution is appreciated.

Key Themes: communication; reward; positive feedback; individual skills and strengths

Participants: 5 – 100

Timing: 10 – 30 mins


  • You’ll need one flip chart sheet per person along with some Sellotape and Post-its on each table.

Running the Activity

  • Give each delegate a “cape” – a flip chart sheet taped to their back – and a pack of post-it notes.
  • Explain that they now have a set time in which to find as many colleagues as possible with whom they have worked during the session.
  • To each of these colleagues they should give positive feedback by adding a post-it to their cape.
  • At the end of the session each delegate will have a sheet covered in positive feedback from their colleagues.
  • Feedback can be shared at the end of the exercise, or delegates can simply keep their feedback superhero capes to themselves.
  • You can keep this light-hearted, or focus on specific areas of feedback to encourage debate on what contributions were most valued by the group as a whole.

We hope you enjoy using this team building feedback activity and if you have any suggested activities for our blog do contact us at mail@varndev.co.uk.

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