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Nurturing your organisation’s most valuable resource

July 27, 2020

During such times as a pandemic, and indeed during any crisis, it is vital for organisations to optimise their resources. And surely any organisation’s most valuable resource is its staff?

Ultimately, the people within an organisation are the ones who keep customers happy and ensure work gets done. Whilst the office, the machinery and the technology are all important and are all valuable, leaders cannot underestimate the power of keeping staff content and investing in them. A report from Cranfield even suggested that initiatives such as Investors In People can have a positive impact on financial performance.

In these more uncertain times, it is going to be increasingly important to draw a distinction between financial capital and human capital. Whilst there’s little doubt that finances are perhaps being more carefully guarded, now is not the time to constrain your people. In fact, this climate of change offers the perfect opportunity to unleash new talent within your organisation, embrace new ideas and encourage innovation within your organisation that will set you apart.

The trouble is that many people are feeling so beaten up by the combination of exhausting workloads and fear of losing their jobs that they are losing their drive and confidence to push themselves further. So everyone – and leaders in particular – will need to focus on motivating the team to ensure that staff are reinvigorated and determined to give their best.

3 Ways to make your team feel great:

  • Handwrite a card of letter listing the qualities you value in that person and the difference their contribution has made during this challenging time.
  • Give out some awards or increase incentives as part of a wider recognition of a specific contribution from team members.
  • Get ideas flowing around how the team can have fun together despite some wider restrictions.
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