When a client asked us to come up with a unique ending to their 6 month leadership programme, we decided to break with convention and exchange their hotel for a woodland habitat.

Despite the informal setting and the relaxed structure the resounding feedback was that this group feel significantly more confident as leaders.
This next generation of senior managers already spends much of their time in hotels. To conclude this programme in yet another hotel would dilute the impact and miss an opportunity to create lasting memories. Instead we began with breakfast and an intensive session exploring Insights Transformational Leadership before heading into the woods after lunch.
Here the group really had to work as a team to make camp and prepare an outdoor banquet befitting the climax to a challenging programme. Using barbecues, open fires and bush stoves they created six succulent dishes which they later enjoyed alongside the roaring camp fire. All the while taking the opportunity to engage in significant one on one conversations around their personal leadership styles.
After a night in luxury tented accommodation, day two focused on the value of well-structured questions in coaching conversations. The theory was then put to the test as each participant led a developmental one hour one-to-one with a teenage student from a local school.
Despite the informal setting and the relaxed structure the resounding feedback was that this group feel significantly more confident as leaders. Furthermore they’ve established a very special level of trust between themselves. This will significantly benefit the business as they take on senior roles and become the team tasked with leading the company’s future growth and direction.